Monday, June 24, 2013

July is finally here and we are getting ready to go

Seventeen days are left before we depart for Scotland. As I look at the forecast for the next 10 days I have a big smile on my face, mid 50's to low 60's. Some rain and some sun. Yeah! Can you tell I can't stand the hot weather?

We have been meeting as a group for many weeks now and we only have 3 more meetings together before we go. During our meetings we have devotions, prayer time, time to learn about Scotland and the culture and to get to know each other better. I am so excited about the team that the Lord has put together. Three mums and 5 teenage girls. Whew! The words that we have foremost in our mind is
"walk in the Spirit" and be flexible. There are several things that is already set in stone, like VBS, meals and Teen Nights, but there are 24 hours in a day and we want to use them all. :)

Here are a few things to be praying for us for: we will add to this list daily as we are over there
-Unity as a team
-Boldness to share
-Opportunities to share the Good News
-Understanding the accents
-Safe Travels
-Support (financial)
-Open Hearts
-That we will die to selves
-Radiate God's Light
-Curiosity of others
-For our families here in the US
-Supplies to take over

Our goal is to update the blog every day so that you can see and hear about what God is doing. Please pass it on to others. We know we can't do something like this without the support of prayer. So thank you in advance.
