Our Mission

For the past five years a group from Cary, NC have gone to Scotland to work with the High Kirk in Stevenston. This year, three ladies, Kirstie, Denise, Diane and five young ladies, Maddie, Colby, Katie, Caroline and Emma are journeying to the bonny land of Scotland. We will be working with the High Kirk focusing on the family fun day, Vacation Bible School, visiting shut ins, prayer walks, church clean up, teen nights and women's pampering nights. We will also be going down to London to work with a couple from Colonial Baptist Church down there.

We have helped with family fun days in the past and it has been a blast. This year, flyers have been put out through the schools to try and get as many kids as possible to come to the fun day. Also, three churches in the area, the High Kirk, Ardeer, and Livingstone have come together to draw even more people. Buses are going around the town to pick up kids and they are expecting over 120 children to come out and play games. There will be bouncy castles, crafts, games, food and the Gospel will be shared. Since it is on a Staurday, kids will be encouraged to come to VBS starting on Monday.

For VBS this year, we are studying transformation, which cumulates with Jesus transforming us into a new creation. We will get to work with small groups of kids and sing, make crafts and enjoy fellowship. Our team is also responsible to make a skit/puppet show to share the Gospel across even better.

Two years ago we did a teen night which was a success, and this year we are doing three consecutive teen nights. Our first night will be an American night complete with American food, games and a Gospel presentation by our team. The plan is to decorate the hall in red, white and blue stars and stripes. Play Minute to Win it games to bring everyone together and then play some typical American games, like Apples to Apples, Mexican Dominos and card games.We are hoping that by doing three teen nights, that people will bring their friends and every night our group get bigger.

We will also be having a Ladies' pampering night where they can put their feet up, get their fingernails and toes done, and enjoy wee nibbles and the chocolate fountain we have prepared for them. We will also speak about Queen Ester and how God used her mightily.

This spring we heard of a couple that our church supports over in Chesham, UK. So we will drive down through England to Chesham where we will work with the pastor and the church body there. One of the days is market day which is a big deal. There will be tons of people out shopping and we will be passing out tracks and information on the church. That evening we will join the congregation in their weekly prayer meeting. The next day we will help with a church wide clean up. We can't wait to hear how the Lord is working in this area of England and He is allowing us to be a part of it. How exciting is that?

Our key verse for this trip is Acts 1:8- "But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”

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