Thursday, July 25, 2013

Day 5

Hi everyone!  WOW!  It seems hard to believe that over 5 days have passed since we first arrived here in Scotland.  We started our morning with the new "usual": devotions at Ian and Elaine's home.  It was such a wonderful blessing for them to open up their home to us for devotions.  All five of us girls were together.  Katie did a great job leading us.  One of the verses she used was Jeremiah 9: 23-24.  These verses (which just so happen to my favorite:) remind us to trust in God, for He is the ultimate prize.  During our devotions, it finally rained for the first time since we have been here!  We had lots of fun dancing in the rain for Elaine.  Next, we headed over to the High Kirk for our 2nd day of Kid's Club.  The theme for the day was "From Water into Wine."  It was the amazing to see how God was able to use us in the kid's lives.  This was the lesson we were least looking forward to teaching, yet it was amazing to watch God working in the children's lives as they began to open up their hearts to us.  After Kid's Club, we were supposed to help clean up around the church and the manse, but because of the rain, we were unable.  Yet, as always, God had a perfect plan.  We were able to spend the early afternoon together resting and spending extra time in God's Word.  For inner, we headed back over to the High Kirk hall.  Mildred prepared a wonderful dinner, and it was a special time of fellowship with some of our new, dear friends.  It also happened to be Mildred's 75th birthday!  W were all so blessed b y her service, especially on her birthday! Later that night, we headed over for the second teen night.  Many of the same people returned.  I was so excited to see Roisin back again!  Please continue to pray for her.  Exhausted from a long day, we came back to the house, finished up a few preparations for tomorrow, and headed to bed.  I am sure I forgot something, but still all in all it was another blessed day for The Lord.  I am looking forward to what is in store for us tomorrow!


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