Thursday, July 25, 2013

Day 7-A day I have dreamed about

Today has to have been one of my most favorite days so far. Us girls started out the morning spending time with Elaine and Colby shared with us about how Christ is enough and we need put our trust in Him. We then went to the High Kirk hall for our last day of kids club. Today our theme was from Sadness into Joy and talked about how when Jesus died we were sad, but that was transformed into joy when He rose from the dead. My highlight of kids club today though was the Lord using me, a broken and sinful vessel, to lead a little boy to Christ. It was especially meaningful because I had asked for prayer for me earlier in the week about dealing with him because he was disrespectful. The Lord completely turned it around and I am so amazed at what He can do. Today has been a day I have dreamed for for a long time, and God gave me strength and boldness to proclaim His Word!  :) After kids club we went out to tea with an old couple who we have known for several years. They insisted on us trying the strawberry tart and it was definitely one of my favorite desserts on the trip. Tonight we had the ladies night and it was a wonderful time of food, fellowship and pampering. There was hair styling, nail painting, massages, and foot baths. Mum got up and shared about the song Matthew West wrote called "Hello my name is" and how we are new creations in Christ, and we don't have to keep holding onto regrets we have.



  1. EMMA!!! TEARS! Bringing the lost to Jesus. How the angels are rejoicing. We get to celebrate for eternity this wonderful victory in Jesus.

  2. Thank you Jesus for growing Your Kingdom through the faithfulness and boldness of Emma! Thank you for turning this little boy's heart from one of stone to one of flesh! We are rejoicing with you and the angels!!! The Cooks
